
Christmas Tree Forest

For me, Christmas in the countryside, where I live, means silence. The walks with my dogs are more and more solitary, as the hustle and bustle moves from the open air of summer to the cold of the city. And the forest is calm, silent, and for a few days you hear all the noises, everything is freer, wilder.

This month, I have dedicated the free pattern to my beloved forest, through which I walk every day. I have transformed it into a small Christmas forest, where the trees show off their decorations, the stars shine and the gifts hide among the branches.

Here you can download the pattern in pdf, with the color chart and the chart. Remember to use two strands of DMC Mouliné thread. The sample in the picture is embroidered on navy blue Aida fabric, 14 squares per inch. The hoop is 12 cm (5 inches).

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